Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tuhan... kubisikkan kerinduan, keinsafan, pengharapan. Tuhan...kusembahkan pengorbanan membuktikan kecintaan.

Bisikkanku untukMu. Munajatku mohon restu. Semoga cintaku bukan palsu. Pada desiran penuh syahdu. Gelombang lautan rinduku.

Munajatku dalam syahdu. Merindui maghfirahMu. MardhiaMu dalam restu. Harapan tulusnya hatiku

Kurindukan pimpunanMu... KeagunganMu dalam doaku.... Kebesaran pada kudratMu... Ia membina rohaniku.

Ujian kepahitan di dalam kehidupan. Padanya ada kamanisan. Ketenangan dan kebahagian. Bayangan syurga idaman.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Terharu saya melihat semangat remaja-remaja seperti ini yang mahu membantu mengubah keadaan kepada lebih baik. Sanggup bersusah payah untuk memberi sesuap makanan kepada orang lain. Inilah semangat penuda yang kita mahukan!

Penah dulu kami ditanya satu Rhetorical Question. Kenapa MARA pilih budak-budak macam kami untuk diberi biasiswa? Kenapa bukan orang yang lebih berpengalaman? Walaupun kamu cenderung untuk bermain-main dan bukannya belajar? Kan orang yang lebih tua lebih matang dan berhemah dalam menggunakan biasiswa yang diberi?

Kemudian kami diberi ayat dari surah Kahfi. Menceritakan tentang sekumpulan pemuda yang bermatian mempertahankan Iman. Dan surah Buruj, yang di dalamnya dinukilkan hadith Ghulam. Semuanya pemuda. Bukan orang tua.

"Takkanlah MARA nak beri biasiswa kepada pakcik-pakcik dan makcik-makcik. Habis belajar perubatan, mereka dah berusia 40 tahun. Sekejap sahaja kerja, lepas tu pencen. Sekejap sahaja boleh berbakti. Itu pun kalau tak kena penyakit pelik-pelik," jawab ustaz tersebut.

Terutamanya dalam dakwah. Pemudalah aset terpenting. Kerana merekalah tenaga untuk bergerak. Baik pemuda, berjalanlah dakwah. Rosak pemuda, terkuburlah dakwah.

Memetik dari perbincangan Muqaddimah fi Zilal, kerja untuk mendaulatkan Islam ini besar kemungkinan kita takkan nampak hasilnya ketika hayat kita. Kerana kerja ini mengambil masa yang amat panjang. Justeru pelapis para amilin hendaklah dibentuk.

Membina manusia adalah lebih sukar dari membina KLCC.

Alhamdulillah kesedaran untuk bekerja untuk Islam diterangkan dengan jelas dalam komuniti pelajar Malaysia seluruh dunia.

Malang sungguh. Pemuda pemudi yang berpotensi, tak digilap kebolehan mereka bahkan dimanja-manjakan. Rijal yang bersemangat, namun tak disambut semangat itu. Bagaimana kita mengharapkan adanya pelapis para amilin apabila kita tak ada usaha langsung untuk membentuk mereka?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Uwaga: The shaytan!

Sometimes this thought hits me:

"It's pretty easy to be a normal human being isn't it? You can do a grave mistake and you can blame them all on the shaytan for whispering to you!"

But man, no. Allah said you can't. Because He only gives the shaytan the access to your sadr(chest/breasts), but not to your qalb(heart). You hold the key to your heart. So all blame on you. You can be a friend to yourself, or you can be an enemy within yourself.

"Who whispers in the breasts of An-Nas."(114:5)

When syaitan try to whisper in your ears, say the isti'azah!

There's a lot of times Sometimes this thought hits me:


Aww WHAT A CUTE SONG~~ (Sorry. Caffeine overdosed)

But Alhamdulillah I have ustazs (and nasheeds:D) to remind me almost every day that each and every one of us is important in dakwah. No one is unwanted. No one should get out of the way. No one is bugging no body.

It's just the whisper of shaytan!

So, shoo you bad thoughts~

Auzubillahiminasshaitanirrajim! :D

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The enemy within

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Yeah. I'll be out of job...

It's not that we don't have the time to read for today's immunology seminar, it's just hard to start studying again after a week of stressful exams. Cheap excuse. Haha

So, what to do if you are not prepared?

1. Sit at the front row.
2. Do not sleep (Or look sleepy)
3. Try to look desperately interested to the subject by
3.1 asking a lot of questions
3.2 nodding to the lecturer's statements as if you know what they are talking about
3.3 do I need to mention everything here? It's basic in-the-class survival skills!

So far, these tricks worked ;P

The lecturers are hoping you to respond and participate in the class. So, RESPOND and PARTICIPATE. You know how it feels when people don't respond to your enthusiasm don't you. Haha...

Immunology is interesting. Really. But when it comes to the numbers and weird chemicals....zzZzzZ.....

According to our lecturer, there are a lot of health facts out there that are not true. For example, eating foods such as fruits, vegetable, yoghurt will not help you to boost your immune system. Same goes for those herbs and pills. In fact, we MUST NOT boost our immunity.

Some 5 years ago, a pharmaceutical company tried to create something that can boost human's immunity. The outcome was, the subject suffered multiple organs failure within hours due to a shock quite similar to septic shock. Therefore they concluded that our immune system is best to be left as it is. No boosting required, unless you are in state of immunodeficiency.

Yes it's true that people eating fruits and veggies are proven to be more healthy. But it's not something inside the fruits and veggies that make them so. Come to think of it; logically that kind of people (fruits-and-veggies-eating people) are the type that have healthy life style. They make sure they have adequate sleep, work out regularly, stay out of stress, avoid ciggarette smoking, avoid high carbs diet etc. That's why they don't contract disease easily!

Lack of sleep can kill you. Insufficient nutrients can kill you. Stress makes you prone to disease. Low calori diet extends life. These are real facts!

Now, remember 114:5?

The immunologist said we should focus more to what's inside us rather than what's outside our body.
He said fever is not about the bacteria. It's about the cytokines, interluekines, in our body.
Cough is not about germ. It's about the bradykinin, in our system.

Everything is inside us. Everything starts with ourselves.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

I had a dream...

I had a dream that night. It brought me back to the time when I was studying in the secondary school.

I woke up. Disturbed. I switched on my lap top, and searched.

Relieved. I found this :)

"Berkat nikmat Tuhanmu kamu (Muhammad) sekali-kali bukan orang gila." (al-Qalam 68:2)

Hahaha this is very personal isn't it.

Lesson learnt from that dream: There's a lot of things we have to let go for our love towards Allah and the Messenger...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Talam beribu muka


US warships will pass through the Suez Canal on Wednesday on their way to Libya as Western nations put more pressure on Muammar Gaddafi to stop a violent crackdown and step aside. -Reuters

Apabila barat mula meletakkan tenteranya di negara Islam....
Katanya mahu tolong. Sedangkan di negara mereka sendiri mereka mencemuh umat Islam, inikan pula mahu tolong.

You loathe them one day, suddenly you willing to give your life to 'save them'. That's really fishy.

Dulu diktator itu mereka kata kawan. Sekarang kawan itu mereka khianati. Macam mana kita nak percaya pengkhianat?

Begitu lemah umat Islam sampai apabila orang tak boleh dipercayai masuk campur, kita tak mampu nak berbuat apa-apa

Allahummansuril Islam wal Muslimin....